Monday, 28 March 2011

The Social Status of the Artist

1.Identify aspects of Durer's self portrait that show a changing view of the artist's view of himself as an individual.
 In Duerer’s final self-portrait he has portrayed himself in a Christ like pose. The portrait was inscribed with 'Thus I, Albrecht Duerer from Nuremburg, painted myself with indelible colours at the age of 28 years.' Duerer did not render himself in this specific pose as though he believes he is god but instead  his Christ-like depiction acts as a reminder to viewers that an artist’s creativity is god- given .

2. Explain how the artist's social status increased during the Renaissance period. Briefly explain why this happened.
In 1498, Dürer had been elevated to a status equalling that of a member of the upper social circles. He took a number of trips to Italy where he studied under masters like the Venetians, Jacopo de Barbari, Giovanni Bellini and Leonardo De Vinci. The centuries following art historians began to talk about "a Dürer renaissance" in Italy.
3. Comment on Gavin Turk's work in relation to individualism, status of the artist and egotism.
Turk reflects on self- obsession and uncertainty as prominent features throughout his work. His work show’s a degree of Individualism and egotism. Individualism is defined as “a social theory advocating the liberty, rights, or independent action of the individual.” Egotism is defined as “excessive and objectionable reference to oneself in conversation or writing; conceit; boastfulness. These two concepts are very evident in his work as his particular style is different to that of other artists and his subject matter is quite often a depiction of himself in one way or another.

4. Comment on Damien Hirst's use of his work and the media for self-promotion.
Hirst uses controversial work to grab the attention of the media such as “putting animals in formaldehyde and presenting them as art” (The Physical Impossibility of Death in the Mind of Someone Living (1991). The themes of his work mostly explore the ideas surrounding life and death. The twisted and unusual pieces created by Hirst create concern and curiosity for the viewers.

5. Find 2 images of work by artists or designers that reflects some of the ideas of individualism, self-promotion or egotism that have been discussed on this blog. Upload images to your blog, title and date the work, identify the artist/designer and comment on the work in relation to the question.
Michael Smither’s is one of New Zealand’s most well- known artists. His work shows a particular style and individualism as it has an almost child- like appearance yet portrays a great sophistication as well. A majority of his paintings are associated with political events ''Often my paintings take a long time to complete; they become autobiographical, absorbing emotional intellectual and spiritual developments.”

“ Big Occity” (1970)
This piece above is representative of a more personal influence for his works (his children, family etc.) they were also subjects for much of his work.
“Thomas was fascinated by having power over dark and light. Big Occity was his name for this power and he regularly plunged us into the 18th century”
6. How do you think artists and designers are viewed in Western society today?
I think artists/ designers are respected in a more contemporary context in western society today. An individual style and technique is greatly accepted and there is allot of freedom with art.



  1. Some awesome research here Madi! And although the reason why Durer chose to portray himself like this is unknown, it is thought that the young and ambitious artist liked to acknowledge that his great talent was god given. His elevated social status is also partly due to his marriage to Agnes Frey. The daughter of famous and well know Silversmith Hans Frey. As for Gavin Turks status, in 1991 his tutors at the Royal College of Art, in London refused to give him the final degree because of his show called 'Cave' which consisted of a whitewashed studio space, containing only a blue heritage plaque commemorating his own presence as a sculptor. This bestowed some instant notoriety on Turk. And in Hirst’s self-promotion and general efforts to publicize his painting, sculpture and installations, he is doing no more than many other famous artists. The only difference is that he's doing it better.

  2. I think you really nailed the truth on the head there,Madeline. Excellent stuff, I couldn't agree more. I too have done many hours of research on this, and I have found that although the reason why Durer chose to portray himself like this is unknown, it is thought that the young and ambitious artist liked to acknowledge that his great talent was god given. His elevated social status is also partly due to his marriage to Agnes Frey. The daughter of famous and well know Silversmith Hans Frey. As for Gavin Turks status, in 1991 his tutors at the Royal College of Art, in London refused to give him the final degree because of his show called 'Cave' which consisted of a whitewashed studio space, containing only a blue heritage plaque commemorating his own presence as a sculptor. This bestowed some instant notoriety on Turk. And in Hirst’s self-promotion and general efforts to publicize his painting, sculpture and installations, he is doing no more than many other famous artists. The only differece is that he's doing it better.

  3. very well thought out and recherché blog. i like how u have picked "bigoccity" by Micheal to show portraits of individualism. i was disappointed in how there is only 1 picture that u have found that could portray individualism, self-promotion or egotism where there are meanie that may portray these ideology's. Fafi is also an artist that shows these ideology's, he portrays individualism thought his art work. his graffiti is personal to him, creations out of his mind and from his technique of spray angels and the way he portrays the graffiti is also his own self maid method . i like the Quote u used in the 4th question on Hirst “putting animals in formaldehyde and presenting them as art”i think that it rely represents and is a strong foundation for answering the question.
